The RIS3 strategy can simply be explained as a strategic approach to the economic development of the region in the field of research and innovation. It is a process of identifying the opportunities and strengths of a region that can benefit from specialization in a particular field of science or technology. For the Pardubice Region, the following so-called progressive sectors are defined within RIS3:
- Chemistry for industrial and bio-medical applications
- Advanced applications of electrical engineering and computer science
- Sustainable transport, production of means of transport and their components, transport infrastructure
- Advanced materials based on textile structures
- Engineering and modern production technologies
A.1. Supporting graduates in accordance with the needs of the labor market |
A.1.1.Increasing the popularization of the results of science and research |
A.1.2.Increasing the popularization of educational fields in accordance with the needs of practice |
A.1.3.Adjustment of the number of admitted pupils and students to the needs of practice |
A.2.Increasing the quality of school graduates |
A.2.1.Increasing the quality of teaching at all levels of schools |
A.2.2.Increasing the quality of equipment and material and technical provision of school teaching |
A.2.3. Improving work with gifted children, pupils and students |
A.2.4.Increasing the quality of education management |
A.2.5.Increasing the quality of education of pedagogical staff |
A.3.Increasing the number of quality adult professionals for the needs of practice |
A.3.1.Hainting professionals in the Pardubice Region, attracting new (even from abroad) |
A.3.2.Increasing the number of quality adult professionals for the needs of companies and other organizations |
A.3.3.Increasing the number of quality adult professionals for research and development needs |
B.1.Increasing the quality and economic benefits of public research |
B.1.1.Increasing the connection between public research and the application sphere |
B.1.2.Improvement of material and technical conditions of research institutes |
B.1.3. Expanding access to the necessary information, knowledge, technologies |
B.1.4.Increasing the involvement of public research organizations in international research cooperation projects |
C.1. Increasing the innovative activity of companies in the Pardubice region |
C.1.1. Expanding the access of companies to the necessary information, knowledge, technologies |
C.1.2.Improvement of research capacities of companies |
C.1.3.Increasing cooperation of companies in the field of research, development, innovation |
C.1.4.Increasing demand for innovative solutions |
C.2.Increase of business activity in the Pardubice region |
C.2.1. Facilitating the establishment of new companies |
C.2.2.Improving access to finance for start-ups |
C.3. Improving the environment for the development of companies |
C.3.1.Increasing the attractiveness of the region for new investors or new investments of existing companies, especially in fields with high added value |
C.3.2. Targeted support for the emergence of innovations in the region |
C.3.3. Further development of eGovernment and eBusiness with the related goal of increasing the competitiveness of companies |
C.3.4.Increasing the access of companies and other entities to a quality connection to the high-speed Internet |
- Strategic goals
- Specific objectives
Methodology of inclusion of projects in the Action Plan of the Pardubice Region
The action plan for the RIS3 strategy of the Pardubice region represents the implementation part of the Regional research and innovation strategy of intelligent specialization of the Pardubice region (hereinafter RIS3 Pk). The action plan consists of a set of project plans, interventions and measures planned to implement Pardubice and other entities active in the regional innovation ecosystem. A common feature of the project plans included in the Action Plan is their link to the identified key areas of change in RIS3 Pk and their strategic goals, as well as to the domains of specialization of the region. With this strategy, another criterion for inclusion in the Action Plan is the potentially significant impact of the project on the quality of the innovation environment of the Pardubice Region.
Individual project intentions are developed in the form of a so-called project fiche containing a brief description of the intent of the project, its objectives, expected results, outputs and planned activities. At the same time, the basic assumption of the time and financial framework of projects is given here. Financing of project preparation and implementation is planned from public (national or European) and private sources. As for the time frame, especially projects of research organizations are often planned beyond the horizon of 2022, as these are projects of a medium or long-term nature. The projects contained in the RIS3 Pk Action Plan are intended to ensure the implementation of RIS3, to put the intentions of this strategy into practice and to fulfill the objectives set in the strategy.
Submission of projects to the Action Plan takes place in the form of filling in project fiches from research organizations in the region and other selected entities (private companies, municipalities, etc.). The selection of project plans for the Action Plan is determined using the evaluation criteria listed in the table. A project is included in the Plan if it meets at least 70 % of all criteria. (Does not fill = 0 points; Partially fills = 0.5 points; Fills = 1 point). The evaluation takes place within the RIS3 team, then is consulted within the innovation platforms and is subsequently submitted to the Regional Innovation Council of the Pardubice Region (KRPI Pk).
Territorial boundaries |
Appropriate focus on the assessed area |
Positive impact of the project on the whole territory |
Use of the project in the territory by local entities |
Feasibility |
Increasing the maturity of the territory |
Market potential |
Economic sustainability |
Economic benefits |
Market interest |
Project innovation |
Benefit for the target group |
Benefits for the region |
Support for the arrival of corporate opportunities |
Arrival of job opportunities |
Increasing the competitiveness of the region |
Increasing the added value of the region |
Building a positive image of the region |
Strengthening social cohesion |
Environmental promotion |
Regional support |
Support for towns and municipalities in the Pardubice region |
Improving economic activity |
Interest of the civil public |
Involvement of other stakeholders of the Pardubice Region |
Involvement of academic / research / educational entities |
Strategical benefits |
Contribution to the fulfillment of the strategy vision |
Initiation of other follow-up projects |
Initiation of stakeholders to participate in the implementation |
Securing additional funding |