Cross-border cooperation

Program period 2014-2020

In the 2014-2020 program period, almost 24 billion euros were allocated for the Czech Republic from the European Structural and Investment (ESI) funds. The Czech Republic drew them through ten thematic programs. Additional funds were available in European Territorial Cooperation programs. Within the framework of European Territorial Cooperation, the Interreg V-A Czech Republic – Poland cross-border cooperation program was implemented in the Pardubice Region. The program enables the financing of cross-border projects in the Czech-Polish border. It is managed by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic. The contact point for those interested in the program for the Pardubice Region is the Regional Office of the Pardubice Region. You can find out more about the Interreg V-A Czech Republic – Poland cross-border cooperation program at

Supported projects for beneficiaries from the Pardubice region

The following are the promotional events in which the cross-border cooperation program participated:


  • Promotional event “Together we will change the CZ-PL border / Razem zmieniamy pogranicze CZ-PL” – more here
  • You can find the promotional spot HERE.
  • Tips for trips CZ-PL / Propozycje wycieczek – more here
  • CZECH-POLISH BORDER is changing thanks to joint projects – more here

Promotional event “Together we will change the border CZ-PL / Razem zmieniamy pogranicze CZ- PL”

The Pardubice Region, in cooperation with the Hradec Králové Region, the Liberec Region and the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, is implementing a promotional project “Together we will change the CZ-PL border” in the period from 1 May 2020 to 13 November 2020, which will be financially supported by the Joint Secretariat – Center for Regional Development Czech Republic.

As part of this event, a 30-second promotional spot will be filmed, which will contribute to raising public awareness of the impact of the program’s resources on the lives of the Czech-Polish border area and the existing offer for tourists visiting the region.

For the Czech partners, the spot will be broadcast on screens in public transport in the cities of Hradec Králové, Pardubice, Liberec and Jablonec nad Nisou and will also be published on official websites and social networks.

The Polish partner will broadcast the spot on external large screens in the eastern, central and western parts of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship – Kłodzko, Wałbrzych, Jelenia Góra on transit roads No. 8, 35 and 3 leading to the Polish-Czech border and will also inform about the joint promotional project through the Jelenia Góra and Wałbrzych web information portals.

Tips for trips CZ-PL / Propozycje wycieczek

Pardubický kraj ve spolupráci s Královéhradeckým krajem, Dolnoslezským vojvodstvím a Společným sekretariátem JS Olomouc zrealizoval aktivitu na propagaci programu Interreg V-A Česká republika-Polsko pod názvemTipy na výlety CZ-PL/Propozycje wycieczek/Tips for trips PL-CZ”.

The activity was focused on the promotion of “best practices” of the Interreg V-A ČR – PL program.

As part of this activity, 6 spots about supported projects were filmed.

The project “Marketing support of tourist attractions in the area of the Králický Sněžník” invites you to visit the Králický Sněžník massif and its surroundings, specifically to visit the Czechoslovak Museum, the Bouda artillery fortress and the lookout tower on Suchý vrch.

The project “COMMON HERITAGE – ONE GOAL” invites you to visit nativity scenes – to visit the Great Svitavy mechanical nativity scene. The Třebechovice Nativity Scene, the Mechanical Nativity Scene in Vambeřice and the Mechanical Nativity Scene in the Kudowa-Zdrój Spa also invite you to visit.

The “Festival of Experiences” project offers as many experiences related to the cultural heritage of the region as possible. In 2019, it focused on remarkable military events, in 2020 there will be events focused on tradition.

The “Stone Road” project invites all lovers of tourism to visit. It starts in Hořice, where it invites you to a sculpture park and a newly reconstructed museum dedicated to stonemasonry. The trip then continues through the Podzvičinsko region with many famous monuments such as Kuks Hospital, Braun’s Nativity Scene or Les Království Dam and ends in Strzegom.

The “CYCLOREGION NOWORUDSKO-RADKOWSKO-BROUMOVSKO” project presents a 200-kilometer integrated system of border cycle paths connecting the most important attractions in this area (Basilica in Vambeřice, Broumov Monastery, Velká Hejšovina or Broumov Walls).

The project “COMMON APPROACH TO CARE FOR THE KRKONOŠE NATIONAL PARK” invites you to visit the Krkonoše National Park, to climb Sněžka, to visit the waterfalls on the streams Szklarka and Kamieńczyk, to visit the karst lake Mały Staw and the unusual rock formation Pielgrzymy.

Polish versions of the spots are available at this link

You can get more information about the promotional activity at the Regional Contact Point of the Pardubice Region –

CZECH-POLISH BORDER is changing thanks to joint projects

This is a promotional event of the Pardubice Region and the Olomouc Joint Secretariat. The aim of the event is to promote the public projects that have been supported by cross-border cooperation programs of the Pardubice Region.

Promotional activities will take place:

  • by broadcasting short – approx. one minute spots via Facebook, Youtube, the website of the Pardubice region, then via the portal,
  • by posting A3 size posters on billboards in the towns of the Pardubice Region (Choceň, Chrudim, Králíky, Lanškroun, Letohrad, Pardubice, Polička, Svitavy, Ústí nad Orlicí, Vysoké Mýto, Žamberk) in the period from 19.11.2018 to 2.12.2018,
  • by leaflet campaign (leaflets A4)
    • in public transport buses and suburban transport – Chrudim, Přelouč, Polička, Litomyšl, Ústí nad Orlicí, Lanškroun, Svitavy, Vysoké Mýto, Jevíčko,
    • in information centers in the period from 19.11.2018 to 2.12.2018,
  • by posting posters of size 49X49cm in regional trains serving the territory of Pk (50 pcs.) from 19 November 2018 for a period of 1 month,
  • through e-mail messages (distribution of leaflets to municipalities Pk, NGOs).

More information about supported projects and promotional spots.