Nature and landscape promoting resilience

Objective: Nature in the cadastres of cities and municipalities to be protected as a source of ecosystem services
  • Completion of land readjustments throughout the Czech Republic, with interconnection at the borders of cadastres.
  • Implementation of a program for the use of new tools for monitoring the condition of forests and land on urban/municipal land, changes in biodiversity, the use of professional support from research organizations for the development of cities and municipalities.
  • Development of a strategy for the optimal creation and management of ecosystem services at the regional level with regard to climate change and its implementation at the local level.

SMART solutions suppliers

Objective: The cultural landscape in the regions to be created with respect to the population and nature
  • Preservation, that is creating a so-called composed cultural landscape as an environment for better living conditions.
  • Use of modeling and virtual reality for the creation of a cultural landscape in the region.
  • Coming up a set of principles for creating a 21st century landscape based on research.

SMART solutions suppliers

Objective: The environment for people’s lives in urban areas of cities and municipalities to be created mainly with regard to climate change
  • Finding a solution to ÚSES and especially biocorridors in the cadastre of towns/municipalities (in cooperation with the relevant state authorities and neighboring towns/municipalities and regions).
  • Planting of mixed urban/municipal forest, creation of land management plans for cities and municipalities in accordance with the needs of providing ecosystem services and their implementation.
  • Implementation of a program for the development of (ornamental) horticulture and the creation of a cultural landscape with regard to climate change and the originality of planted plant species using SMART solutions.
  • Support for sectoral cooperation in planning and design in the territory.

SMART solutions suppliers