ICT Infrastructure – The first step to the success of digitalization

Objective: Sufficiently dimensioned ICT infrastructure to be available throughout the Czech Republic
  • Support for the expansion of 4th generation (4G) networks throughout the Czech Republic, gradual transition to 5G networks.
  • Pilot testing of technologies and complex solutions with connection to 5G networks.
  • Preparation of a map of the backbone network for data transmission and support for its completion by the state.
  • Preparation of a map of digital coverage of the region in coordination with cities and municipalities.
  • Construction of regional data centers for storage, sharing and processing of data of regions/cities/municipalities.

SMART solutions suppliers

Objective: Cities, municipalities and regions to have the necessary infrastructure and ICT equipment for their activities.
  • Establishment of regional databases of investment plans for line constructions in intra- and extra-urban areas in accordance to law no. 194/2017 Sb.
  • Finding out the real condition of ICT infrastructure in the city/municipality, setting up services for existing public communication networks, equipping newly built buildings with secure digital infrastructure.
  • Creating a strategy for the development of ICT in regions, cities and municipalities and action plans for implementation with the professional support of the Ministry of the Interior.

SMART solutions suppliers

Objective: ICT infrastructure to enable the secure development of digital services at the level of cities, municipalities and regions.
  • The city/municipality creates conditions and supports the development of secure ICT infrastructure on its territory, or is itself the initiator of such development.
  • Methodological assistance in ensuring technological independence and neutrality in building ICT departments and services in cities, municipalities and regions (monitoring and measuring systems) – it must be guaranteed that access to public services does not depend on a specific (predetermined) platforms or technologies (vendor lock-in).
  • Ensuring cyber and HW security of network endpoints (access points), as well as secure installation and use of applications – eliminating the risk of misuse.

SMART solutions suppliers