The regional policy of the European Union is based, among other things, on the principle of partnership, i.e. involvement of European, regional and local authorities, social partners and civil society organizations in all phases of the design and implementation of support programs. This approach helps to ensure that measures are tailored to local and regional needs and priorities. [1] Following the past programming period, the 2021+ programming period also emphasizes the so-called territorial dimension. The territorial dimension can be imagined as targeting support to a specific type of territory or to a specific problem.
The Regional Action Plan is a tool designed to address the territorial dimension of European Union funds. The Regional Action Plan and the Platform of Regional Conferences (RSK) also declare a partnership and involvement of territorial partners in the implementation of the European Union (EU) regional policy.
The Regional Action Plan (RAP) is therefore, in the conditions of the Czech Republic, a national intervention instrument intended exclusively for fulfilling the territorial dimension of EU funds in selected topics. It solves selected area problems, logically supported and based on consensus throughout the Czech Republic (key territorial partners, managing authorities). Within the RAP, allocations at the level of the region’s territory are determined in the agreed topics, which are calculated on the basis of an objectively determined key. RAP is not an integrated territorial instrument (ITI and CLLD). The RAP also serves as a tool for fulfilling the Strategy of Regional Development of the Czech Republic 2021+ (SRR).
The RAP should also contribute to the coordination of other tools and their synergy in the region – the topics will not overlap with the topics in the ITI / SCLLD. Its implementation should make the drawing of EU funds for the development of the region’s territory more efficient, mainly due to better preparedness of the territory and real monitoring of the capacity.
The RAP addresses only selected thematic areas [2], namely:
- Secondary education and special schools
- Ambulance and Immediate Healthcare
- Second class roads
- Deinstitutionalization of social services (DI) – investment part
The Regional Action Plan of the Pardubice Region for the period 2021-2027 is currently being prepared by the Secretariat of the Regional Conference of the Pardubice Region, its finalization and approval is expected in the middle of 2021.
[1] The establishment of a partnership in the implementation of the territorial dimension of the ESIF is also required by the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund plus, the Cohesion Fund, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, the Asylum and Migration Fund, the Internal Security Fund and the Border and Visa Management Body.
[2] In the relevant territories, also topics fulfilling the territorial objective of SRR 21+ of the structurally handicapped region (RE:START).